Monday, November 8, 2021

Murphy passed away in July 23, 2021

After being with us for about 11 years, we have to put down Murphy in 4pm July 23, 2021.

It is a very very sad moment for us. Murphy has a very bad problem in May and he recover reasonablly well after an emergency surgery. We also brough him to a specialist in Santa Cruz to receive chemo treament. But unfortunately he stop eating again and we found a lot of cancer tumor inside his body and we have to end his life. We will love you forever! Murphy.

You can find Murphy's photos here

Monday, December 17, 2012

How to Take Care Murphy in Your Home

Thanks for many friends to help us to take care Murphy when we are out of town. Here is some suggestion that may help you to take care Murphy. I post here so we can reuse them later.


Murphy is an indoor dog. He feel much comfortable stay indoor. In the other hand, when he first arrive, the right thing to do is to show him where is his line. Be very clear to him which area he should stay by saying "NO" in harsh voice when he cross the line. He will respect that. We NEVER let him get into our bedroom area and he never cross that line. He only stay in our kitchen, living room and dinning room area. When my friends take care of him, Murphy always respect the line they setup for him in their home. But you do need to make it very clear to him when he first arrive, in the first day

In our home, Murphy is only allowed to sit on the floor and are NOT allow to on any chair or sofa. (except one particular one we allow him to stay later). He know that is the rule so he won't climb on any sofa or chair. But when he come to the new place, since it is all new environment to him, you also need to make it clear to him. (In case he try to climb, say harsh voice "NO" to him should be enough). However, he like to sit next to any person on the floor. And he usually come very very quietly. So you do need to be extra careful NOT  to step on him or be tumbled by him when you stand up from chair or walk. 

We have a Crate like this one. (may be in slightly different size). We will bring that to your home. It will be nice if you can keep that indoor somewhere. It is better if you put the crate somewhere close to the door to the backyard that he can get outside for potty. He will like to stay inside that crate. (It is his home. He feel safe inside that crate. So he will prefer to stay inside the first 1-2 days). The lock of that crate have some issue so you may need to use a chair or some heavy object to block the door to "lock it" (or simply move  the crate to face a wall to block the opening) instead of  using the lock on the door. He usually stay inside the crate at night time. Here is my suggestion:
  • Always "lock" him inside that crate every night when you go to sleep. (Keep saying in nice voice "Crate" after him and point finger to the crate and he will go inside that crate). Lock him inside during the night.
  • Always "lock" him inside the crate when you go out and leave him alone inside the house alone. He is new to your place and you should not let him loose in your home when no one at home.
  • He should be with no problem to be lock for 6-8 hours without potty. Don't worry if you are shopping for 4-5 hours. Not a problem for him.
  • If you lock him inside the create for more than 3-4 hours, open the door to the backyard first before you unlock him. Once you unlock the crate, say "Go Potty" to him and let him out right away. 
Murphy is an indoor dog and he will go potty only outside. And even you let him go to the backyard you may also want to keep saying "Go Potty" to let him know he is ok to do his business there. I never train him to potty on a particular spot so he may not be able to do it in a particular spot if you like him to do. 
  • As I stated above, open the door to the backyard first before you unlock him from the create every morning or when you back home.
  • If he come to you and "sing". that mean he want to go to backyard. He may need to "go potty" or simply he want to play. Use your judgement to decide let him out or not. Most of the time, he need to go potty. but sometime he just want to get out to play and you can ignore him. But if he have not yet use restroom for > 2 hours, it probably really mean he need to "go potty".
He will come to "greet" you for about five minutes in the morning or when you come back. Give him a thirty second attention (by petting him and say "Good Murphy" in nice voice to him) will be enough for him to walk away. He just want to be friendly to you. He may try "climb up" on your leg in that period. But that is just he want to get your attention, say "Good Morning" / "Welcome home" and want you to pet him. 

Murphy need dog food and water. And that is it. We will bring the dog food and Petmate Le Bistro Feeder with Microban and Petmate Le Bistro Waterer with Microban . Fill water into the Waterer and fill dog food in the Feeder and place them close to his crate. He will eat and drink whenever he need to. Just need to make sure he still have water and food once per week. He is self feeding. Don't worry about over feeding. Please do NOT give him any other food other than the dog food and treat we provided.

Murphy is a friendly dog to human but his is not too friendly to other dog. I suggest you do NOT walk him in the neighborhood unless you really want to try. When he see other dog he may behave aggressively. If you see a dog far away, saying in very nice to him "It's ok, let say hello" to him may let him behave better. You need to pay extra attention when other dog around. Block his sight from other dog by using your leg may help. He do NOT need to be walk so don't feel bad if you do not walk him. He is perfectly fine just stay at home.

The Commands Murphy Know About

Below are a list command Murphy know about in English. (no he do not know command in Chinese, sorry)

  • Murphy
  • No
  • Home
  • Go Potty
  • Crate
  • Come
  • Stay
  • Bad
  • Good

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Photo of Murphy is shown on the announcement of "Google Translate for Google+ Chrome Extension", Aug 2011

Forgot to blog about another thing about Murphy. This happened last year - Aug 2011. My team is prepare for launching "Google Translate for Google+ Chrome Extension"that time and Josh Estelle asked me to create a Google+ post with Chinese and ask some of my friend to comment on that post with different languages. Then we use that post as an example to show case the "Google Translate for Google+ Chrome Extension". I would like to show case my lovely Murphy in that announcement so I post a Chinese Google+ post w/ Murphy's photo in it. And later Josh Estelle use the screenshot of that post in his announcement . The same set of photo is also used by the product screenshot at Chrome Web Store and Chrome plugin.  Many industry news writer copy the photo from that post and spread Murphy's photo around the Internet. For example, this blog, this blog,  "5 Must See Google+ Chrome Extensions", "40 Essential Google Chrome Famed Apps", "Top 3 Chrome Extension for  Google+", "Google Translate for Google+があれば、Google+上の会話は、翻訳可能", "多言語対応のGoogle+向けGoogle翻訳", "官方 Chrome 扩展 Google Translate for Google+" and many more....

Monday, October 1, 2012

Murphy w/ very long Hair
Murphy's recent Hair Cut

We Lost Murphy and Found Murphy next day

Murphy sneaked out our front gate on afternoon Sept 28, 2012. I noticed the front gate is opened when I came home around 5:30pm. Around 6:40pm, before we left for Chinese school, we notice Murphy is not at home. Murphy is usually very quite at home and that day all of us are very busy so we didn't notice he was gone till that time. I drove the kids to Chinese school and my wife went to the close by Challenge school yard to find him. She cannot find Murphy. She talked to several other dog owners who know Murphy well and none of them saw Murphy. We guess Murphy must sneaked out pretty early, before the school is dismissed and school probably called the animal control to take him out. My wife cried and kept searching for Murphy.
Murphy's photo found on Humane Society web site as 'stray animal'

Eventually we found a photo on which looks like Murphy. We contacted Humane Society Silicon Valley but they are already closed that time. After double check with my children, we are pretty confident that photo is Murphy. We went to the Humane Society the next morning and found Murphy there. It cost me $50 for that. They told me since that day the Animal Control in Sunnyvale is out of duty, Murphy was 'arrested' by Sunnyvale police and was transported to the Humane Society by riding a police car (so Murphy now is the third members in my family ever get a free ride on police car). Somehow after they scan for the Microchip they cannot find any signal. We don't know what is happen but the Microchip cannot be found. We pay additional ~49 USD for his new Microchip. (see photo). His new chip is 985-170-001-487-503 and the phone number for the "Home Again" is 1-888-466-3242.  I also donate some more money for the Humane Society. The staff in the Humane Society is super nice.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Crate training.

It's been four days that Murphy settles in his new crate during the evening. He protested on the 1st night with barking and scratching the gate. One the second night, Frank had to drag him in. Then as we wondered his whereabout last night, we found him sleeping in the crate already. Murphy is so wonderful, loving, playful, and friendly.

My boy once commented, " Mom, Murphy gets more praises and attention than I do." I replies, "Well, if you wag your tail and welcome me every single time you see me, come to me every time you are called, never complain about food and never talk back... I'll praise you as much as I praise Murphy." My poor boy talked back immediately, "Mom, when you become an old lady, Murphy won't change your diaper; I will. So it's fair if you love me more now." Good point!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Murphy knows he is the baby. Constantly one of us human provides full body massage.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday at work

Murphy visited my office again today. Again, Claire help me to take care Murphy during the lunch hour so I can take the food to eat at my desk. Murphy was pretty quit between 10:30-12:30 and between 2:30-3:40. However, he chewed up my telephone line into 20+ pieces this morning.

Saturday, October 2, 2010