Thursday, November 11, 2010

Crate training.

It's been four days that Murphy settles in his new crate during the evening. He protested on the 1st night with barking and scratching the gate. One the second night, Frank had to drag him in. Then as we wondered his whereabout last night, we found him sleeping in the crate already. Murphy is so wonderful, loving, playful, and friendly.

My boy once commented, " Mom, Murphy gets more praises and attention than I do." I replies, "Well, if you wag your tail and welcome me every single time you see me, come to me every time you are called, never complain about food and never talk back... I'll praise you as much as I praise Murphy." My poor boy talked back immediately, "Mom, when you become an old lady, Murphy won't change your diaper; I will. So it's fair if you love me more now." Good point!